
Wednesday, October 28, 2009


If a visitor to my home would by chance open my freezer door and come across the sight of my trays full of basil cubes I am sure the average person would have to ask "Hmmm what the heck is that?" No, they are not moldy ice cubes or some crazy science experiment. Instead the cubes are just another attempt to preserve the garden summer flavor for a fresh addition to mealtime during the upcoming grey winter skies.

 Basil cubes are something new to me. The original idea to preserve my garden fresh basil came from my favorite newsletter written by Jane Snow. Blending the fresh basil with olive oil to a pourable consistency and then freezing it for future use is brillant. In an edition of the newsletter I read this wonderful idea and decided to make storage easier by pouring the pureed fresh basil into ice cube trays. I am pleased with the result so far and will share with you the uses of the basil cubes as they become applicable.

Releasing the cubes from the tray went smoothly. The fresh aroma smell of the basil stayed true. Certainly when the soup starts rolling out of my kitchen this flavor will be a welcome ingredient!

Please check out Jane Snow's will be glad you did!

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