
Friday, September 3, 2010


Mister and I were having our usual morning routine of coffee on the LV (lower veranda) today." I'm done with the garden for the year", were my words. He still has ambition to make and freeze more salsa. I'm over it! Ready to move on to Autumn type things, like apples, pastry, and fall merriment!
Here you can find my ambition from last spring with regards to garden 2010. This is how that all shaped up into reality. I am documenting my current garden approach for 2011 now...just in case I forget when spring rolls around .
  • Less Tomatoes... I love fresh homegrown tomatoes. It's hardly time friendly to preserve them when you have so many other scrumptious stuff to put up for winter.
  • Less Peppers..if Mister will allow it. We like variety in our selections. I am think one plant of each type and that's it!
  • More onions...once again we doubled our onionsthis year from 2009. Still we could have used more!
  • Less yellow squash was killed by the nasty squash borrer despite my greatest effort to protect it. The acorn squash did well. Too many of them though.
  • Cucumbers, I will plant 0 cucumbers next year. 2009 I made tons pickles. This year though the cukes did poorly, which is just as well because we still have pickles from 2009.
  • Carrots...Loved the Rainbow mix. We had a much lower yield from this variety although they were lovely. Next year we will plant the high yield orange variety.
  • Celery..well it's still thinking about becoming big grown up celery. I will need to do more research on how to do this vegetable well. I do plan to plant it again.
  • Blueberry Bushes were planted this spring and I hope to harvest a few next year.
  • Lettuce..ugh despite my vow I still planted it. Not in 2011!
  • Broccolini...well I ordered the seeds and just never got around to planting them! Duh!
  • Cauliflower...again more research is needed to figure out why my cauli just doesn't do well.
  • Green Beans..Just Say NO!
  • Peas...still will plant in 2011 and experiment with a few types.
  • Corn... of course, however...I won't take the time to freeze any just because that has become tiresome to me.
  • Strawberries should be rocking next spring.
  • Herb Garden....trying a few new herbs this year and I plan to do some posts about these in the weeks to come.
Did you read all of that???? If so, Thank You! Still open to suggestions! I don't do eggplant!


  1. You for got Potatoes

  2. Oh, right thanks for reminding me! Yes, potato paradise will once again be in our garden. Easy to grow, harvest and store.
