
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Baked Eggs

Baked eggs, bacon, and conserves sounded like the perfect dinner to me. Mister is, a bright eyed and bushy tail type of fella, in the morning. I'm a.... get out of my way and let me drink my coffee type of gal. On occasion, I will cook a nice breakfast, at breakfast time. Brunch is cool. Breakfast for dinner is even better.
 I removed the toast cup and egg from the ramekin. Or, serve them right in the ramekin, that's your call.

Ordinary Baked Eggs
preheat oven to 350 derees

One slice of bread (I used whole wheat)
Roll the bread thin with a rolling pin
and butter one side

Place the slice of bread in the ramekin, butter side out.

Bake for 5 minutes and remove from oven to add remaining ingredients.
Drop a dab of butter into the newly formed toast cup, and break one egg into the toast cup. Season well with salt and pepper. Top with cheese of your choice and bake until desired doneness.
I like hard cooked, so mine baked for about 15 minutes. Experiment with the time until you have your idea of a perfectly cooked egg.

It seems to me that this dish will be played around with.

Mister likes hot sauce on eggs.
Umm. a little pesto drizzled over.
For tonight, I hauled out the Fruit and Walnut Conserve that were canned
 last August.

L.O.V.E. this combo of sweet fruits and nuts. The orange portions with the peel  intact, is out of this world. Mister found it to be a bit much for him, he does however have a taste for basic flavor components.

My taste buds relished the salty bacon, peppery eggs, and sweet, sticky fruits. A little dab of each all scooped up into one delicious bite. Bite after bite that is!

The jar is still half full of conserves, maybe a nice topping for pork chops. One day when we have dinner food for dinner.



  1. Nice site re-branding! I'm digging the new layout. The dark background certainly helps to showcase your photos a little better.

    I'm looking forward to reading about the multi-berry buckle.

  2. Well, the Blackberry/Blueberry Buckle was a success. It was one of those items that I baked on the fly and never managed to photograph and do a write-up on. Wouldn't you know it, Mr. Nobody decided to chow most of the topping off. Must have been good.
